Posted on Mar 24, 2018 | Hits: 250 | Stock No: #17211
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The ointment is gentle on the skin and promotes the skin's own natural healing process. Let us take a closer look at its uses and probable side effects. Aquaphor Uses Relieves Dry Skin Dry skin is an indication that your skin is moisture deficient. One of the best ways to ramp up the moisture is to use Aquaphor, which has been formulated using hygroscopic substances that encourage moisture retention. It also contains humectants like lecithin and glycerin that attract water from the environment, which helps to moisten the skin. The ointment known for its moisturizing properties, can be helpful to repair chapped lips. With regular application, you will notice that your lips have never looked so good before. When your cuticles are rough, and you don't have cuticle oil by your side, applying this ointment can work wonders to soften the cuticles. When your heels are cracked, sore, and hurting, use this cream to ease the discomfort. Just slather it on your soles daily, and you will soon notice your rough heels turning softer. Relieves Minor Burns Minor burns that occur while cooking and ironing can also be treated with this ointment. It can also be an easy home remedy to soothe minor cuts and scrapes. It also serves as an aftershave lotion. After a shave, we often experience an itchy, burning sensation, and an easy way to relieve this discomfort is to apply this ointment in small amounts. Combats Acne It is particularly effective in treating acne in people with sensitive skin. Unlike other creams that leave the skin dry and irritated, this cream is soothing to the skin. Its formulation is non-comedogenic―its compounds do not block pores. This makes it ideal for treating skin conditions like acne. Heals Diaper Rash Diaper rash often occurs when the baby's skin rubs against the diaper for extended periods. Applying this cream can certainly soothe the skin irritation as well as alleviate the appearance of rash at the earliest. It creates a thick barrier, thereby protecting the baby's skin from diaper cloth.

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Address: down town karcahi NY
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